Riverstone Pickleball Nights
Each Monday evening at 6:30 PM at the Gardenville Rec Center
See Yacer R. for more details
Pickleball Mondays
Riverstone Pickleball Nights
Each Monday evening at 6:30 PM at the Gardenville Rec Center
See Yacer R. for more details
RS men's Basketball
Men's basketball on Tuesdays at 6:30 PM at Gardenville Rec Center. See Yacer R. for more details.
Awana Clubs- Each Wednesday at 6 PM
Awana is our Wednesday night kid's ministry that is geared towards pre-school, elementary, and middle school children. In this program, kids learn more about God through activities, games, and scripture times.
See Mrs. Kim Albritton to register your family today!
Adult Bible Study- Wednesdays at 6 PM
Our adult Bible study group meets each Wednesday at 6:00 PM. During this semester, we will be studying the book of Revelation.
KidMin Baptism 101 Class- 1/18 @ 10 AM
Calling all Riverstone Kids who have made a profession of faith in Jesus. Are you ready to be baptized? If so, then this is the Learning Lab for you. Join us as we learn all about baptism, what it is, and why we do it.
KidMin Hot Topic Night- 1/19 @ 6 PM
Come learn how to talk with your kids about the hot topics of today's world from a Christian perspective. See Mrs. Sarah S. with any questions and to RSVP. Childcare is provided.
Young at Heart (50+) Bible Study- 1/25 @ 10 AM
Our seniors of Riverstone will be meeting at 10 AM for a Bible study. This will not be at our church but at Mary Lou Holder's home. Please see Tonda P. or Mary Lou H. for more details.
KidMin is on Sundays and AWANA is on Wednesdays.
On Sunday morning, check-in begins at 9:45 AM. For infants and toddlers, we have a nursery during the service. If you wish to keep your baby with you for the service, please be courteous of others, and use the Cry Room located in the front foyer if your child is upset or crying. Live video of the service is available in the Cry Room. When checking in children, please enter the front doors to our main foyer, where our check-in table is located for both KidMin and nursery. Our elementary age children join us for the music time and then are dismissed for their own lesson.
AWANA begins at 6:00 PM on Wednesday nights. Kids have a great time playing, snacking, earning rewards, and most importantly, learning and memorizing God's word. When arriving for AWANA, enter at the admin office door on the right hand side of the building. AWANA is currently on Summer Break and will resume in the Fall.
On Wednesday nights at 6 PM we gather in the worship center for adult Bible study. It's a time to go deeper into God's word, while having the opportunity to ask questions and participate in meaningful and helpful discussion. We are currently studying the Book of Revelation.